Teachable Competition


As we explore the vast realm of online education, Teachable stands out as a key platform for both beginners and experienced teachers. By prioritizing user-friendly interfaces and empowering instructors, Teachable excels as a complete tool that eases the process of course creation. Through firsthand exploration of its features, it becomes evident that the platform prioritizes a seamless experience, allowing instructors to focus on delivering engaging content without unnecessary complexities.


Those looking for a more visual review of Teachable can check this YouTube video by Daniel Ndukwu from his Youtube Channel called “Making Money Moves – Daniel Ndukwu. However, for a more in-depth review, read below and learn more about Teachable.

Teachable Teachable Competition

Online learning undergoes a significant transformation with Teachable playing a crucial role, marking a notable change in digital education. When you look at its features, Teachable isn’t just a tool – it’s a game-changer. Its dedication to making learning easy and flexible addresses the varied needs of both learners and instructors. Being more than a platform, Teachable takes a major stride forward in modern education.


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User-Friendly Interface:

With a user-friendly interface, Teachable maintains simplicity, making navigation easy. Quickly locating necessary tools, instructors can focus on content creation without being overwhelmed by complex menus.

Streamlined Course Creation:

Designing a course on Teachable is effortless. Teachable offers user-friendly tools that help instructors organize and structure their content with ease. The process of uploading material and arranging modules is simple and efficient, which is perfect for educators.

Responsive Design:

Teachable’s commitment to responsive design means it works well on any device. Whether you’re on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, the platform adapts seamlessly. This adaptability caters to varied learning preferences, highlighting Teachable’s commitment to fostering an adaptable and inclusive educational environment.


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Marketing and Promotion:

Built-in Marketing Tools:

Teachable simplifies the course marketing process with its integrated tools. Instructors get customizable sales pages and seamless email marketing integration, simplifying the process of reaching their audience. Such tools alleviate the promotional burden, enabling educators to focus on crafting captivating content while making sure their courses attract the necessary attention.

Community Building Features:

Teachable fosters a community atmosphere between teachers and students with its specialized features. Users can connect, share perspectives, and support each other in the discussion forums provided by Teachable. Such a community-oriented strategy enriches the educational experience and provides instructors with an organic method to promote their courses within a nurturing community. Teachable Competition

Teachable Competition

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Financial Management:

Transparent Pricing:

Teachable keeps it simple with transparent pricing. Clear details on subscription plans and costs, including transaction fees, are provided to instructors. The transparency of this approach ensures that educators are well-informed about the financial aspects of their courses.

    1. Pricing Structures:
      Teachable offers various plans tailored to different needs.|Teachable provides a range of plans designed to suit diverse requirements.|Teachable has a selection of plans crafted for varying needs.|A variety of plans, each tailored to meet different requirements, are available on Teachable.} Instructors have the option to choose plans that align with their course structure and budget, offering the flexibility to modify as their courses expand.
    2. Handling Payments:
      Payments are simplified with Teachable. With support for various payment gateways, it offers flexibility to both instructors and learners. Such versatility leads to seamless transactions, fostering trust and ease in course enrollments.

Analytics for Revenue Tracking:

Teachable provides robust analytics tools for effective revenue tracking. Instructors have access to an analytics dashboard to grasp sales performance, track revenue trends, and monitor student enrollment. Such a data-centric method allows educators to make well-informed decisions, refine their pricing strategies, and enhance the financial success of their courses.


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Feature Set:

Comprehensive Course Features:

Teachable excels in assisting instructors by providing a comprehensive suite of course features, which ensures that the online learning experience is both engaging and effective.

Customizable Quizzes:
Instructors can effortlessly develop quizzes customized to their content, thereby promoting active learning among students. Such flexibility in quiz formats enables the use of different assessment techniques, enriching the student’s learning journey.

Multimedia Integration:
Teachable enhances content creation by effortlessly integrating various multimedia elements. Instructors can effortlessly include videos, presentations, and more directly into their courses, providing a variety of engaging learning materials.

Structural Flexibility:
Teachable provides flexibility in course structuring, enabling instructors to tailor content organization to their unique teaching methods. Teachable’s platform is flexible, allowing for varied approaches in module arrangement and lesson sequencing to suit different teaching styles.


Integration Capabilities:

The integration features of Teachable provide an additional level of functionality, aiding instructors throughout their course creation process.

Marketing Automation Tools:
Marketing automation tools can be effortlessly integrated by instructors to enhance their promotional strategies. This integration enables automated email campaigns, course drip content, and targeted communications for optimized marketing.

Analytics Platforms:
Teachable enhances its functionality through integration with analytics platforms, providing significant insights. Instructors can track student engagement, assess course performance, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve the learning experience.

Third-Party Resources:
Teachable’s open platform allows for the integration of third-party resources, offering instructors the opportunity to incorporate extra tools, plugins, and external content into their courses.


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Customer Support:

Accessibility and Responsiveness:

Teachable prioritizes user satisfaction through accessible and responsive customer support. The platform provides instructors with a user-friendly support system, ensuring they can quickly get the help they need. The platform’s commitment to responsiveness creates a supportive environment, fostering a positive experience for educators navigating any challenges.

Issue Handling:

Efficient issue resolution is a hallmark of Teachable, highlighting its commitment to addressing challenges swiftly. A committed support team is at the disposal of instructors, proficient in tackling various queries and concerns effectively. The platform’s proactive approach to issue resolution contributes to a seamless teaching experience, allowing instructors to focus on course creation while ensuring a reliable support system is in place.


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Room for Improvement:

Identified Drawbacks:

Teachable is a substantial platform, yet it’s crucial to identify its shortcomings. The platform’s limitations are evident in its restricted course and site customization, 5% transaction fee for the Basic plan, lack of a course marketplace, no multi-tenancy capability, absence of continuing education credits, and limited support for multiple languages. Furthermore, building sales funnels requires a third-party platform such as ClickFunnels or LeadPages, and Teachable’s support can only be reached via email.


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Teachable Pricing Plans

Teachable provides a range of four pricing options: Free, Basic, Professional, and Business. The Free plan, offered at no cost, allows for the publication of one product per type (course, coaching, downloads), with a transaction fee of $1 and an additional 10%. The Basic plan costs $39/month (billed annually) and includes 5 published products of each type with a 5% transaction fee. Teachable Competition

The Professional plan costs $119/month (billed annually) and includes 50 published products of each type with a 0% transaction fee. The Business plan, which has a custom price, allows for unlimited publishing of each product type and does not charge any transaction fee.

Free Basic Pro Pro+ Business
The Best Way to Try Out Teachable Foundational Tools and Support You Need to Build Your Online Course Advanced Tools to Help You Keep Your Business Growing More Advanced Tools for Products and Custom User Roles for Fast Growing Businesses The Most Advanced Tools Thinkific Has to Offer. Especially Great for Bigger Businesses
$0/month Billed Annually (no credit  card required) $39/month Billed Annually $119/month Billed Annually $119/month Billed Annually $119/month Billed Annually

  • $1 + 10% Transaction Fee
  • 1 published product of each type (course, coaching, downloads)
  • No-code course builder and web pages
  • Student Referrals
  • Teachable:pay with integrated payment processing
  • 1 admin & author seat

  • 5% transaction fee
  • 5 published products of each type (course, coaching, downloads)
  • 1 membership tier
  • Integrated email marketing
  • Coupons and order bumps
  • Custom domains
  • Live group coaching
  • Accelerator challenge access

  • 0% transaction fees
  • 50 published products of each type (course, coaching, downloads)
  • Unlimited membership tiers
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Live chat support
  • Upsells to increase order value
  • Public API access
  • Removable branding
  • 5 admin and author seats

  • 0% transaction fees
  • 200 courses
  • 200 coaching products
  • 200 digital downloads
  • 200 product bundles
  • Custom user roles

  • All Pro + plan features
  • Unlimited courses, coaching products, and digital downloads
  • 20 admin and author seats
  • Advanced theme customiations
  • Custom User roles
  • Bulk Student Enrollment


Pros and Cons


  • User-Friendly Interface:
    Teachable’s interface is celebrated for being intuitive and easy to use, making it suitable for course creators of all experience levels.
  • Course Customization:
    It offers a range of customization options, allowing instructors to create and design courses according to their preferences, including multimedia integration.
  • Marketing Tools:
    Built-in marketing features on Teachable, including customizable sales pages and integration with email marketing, make the promotion and sale of courses more straightforward.
  • Financial Management:
    The platform offers transparent pricing structures, multiple payment gateway options, and analytics tools for effective revenue tracking.
  • Community Building:
    Teachable offers functionalities that facilitate the building of a community around courses, encouraging both student and instructor engagement and interaction.
  • Responsive Support:
    Users often praise the platform’s customer support for being accessible and responsive, assisting with queries and issues.
  • Integration Capabilities:
    Integrating third-party tools is possible with Teachable, adding flexibility and expanding its range of functions, including in marketing automation and analytics.


  • Limited Customization in Basic Plans:
    Some users note that the level of customization, especially in the appearance of the course platform, is limited in the basic plans.
  • Transaction Fees:
    Although Teachable’s higher-tier plans are free from transaction fees, the Basic Plan does incur such fees, which can be a downside for certain users.
  • Advanced Features Restricted to Higher Plans:
    Access to advanced features, including comprehensive reports and the capability to remove the “Powered by Teachable” tag, is usually limited to the platform’s higher-priced plans.
  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features:
    The basic features on Teachable are user-friendly, but understanding and utilizing the advanced features may require more effort and time for some individuals.
  • Limited Built-in Assessment Tools:
    Teachable includes quiz features, but the built-in assessment tools may be seen as somewhat elementary by users familiar with more advanced, education-centric platforms.
  • Course Completion Certificates:
    As of the last update, the platform did not offer an integrated feature for course completion certificates, which could be a drawback for certain educators. Teachable Competition


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Summarizing Strengths:

Concluding our overview of Teachable, the platform’s strengths are evident in multiple areas. A standout feature is the user-friendly interface, making it a highly accessible platform for course creators. Combined with integration options, the platform’s extensive course features provide a diverse toolkit for creating compelling online courses. Its straightforward pricing and comprehensive financial management tools make the journey of course creation seamless. Moreover, Teachable’s dedication to fostering community and providing responsive customer support adds to its attractiveness.


Concluding our assessment, Teachable stands out as a potent tool for educators, but there are areas where user experience could be further enriched. Enhancing customization features, particularly for those on basic plans, would lead to a more personalized look and feel of the platform. Also, extending the reach of some advanced features to include lower-tier plans would enhance the platform’s value for a more diverse group of users. The fact that Teachable actively responds to user feedback suggests it will continue to evolve and stay a leading option for those creating online courses.


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Frequently Asked Questions Teachable Competition

Why isn’t my product being displayed on my products page?

When you have a school and product published but not displayed on the products page, try checking on the Visibility Settings on the Information tab of that product.

Why is my school saying that my published product is offline?

Publishing a product and having your school online are separately managed within your school.

Change the status of your school at any time by going to Settings and then going to General.

When Does Teachable Release School Payout?

Payout schedules will depend on the payment gateway you are using.

For users using TeachableLpay, the payout can be scheduled daily, weekly, or monthly. Meanwhile, those on the Monthly Payment Gateway can receive payouts on the first of each month unless it fall on a weekend or holiday. Lastly, for schools on the Custom Payment Gateway, payouts are handled directly by Stripe and/or PayPal.

For more questions, users on Teachable:pay and Monthly Payment Gateway can contact Teachable Support. Those on Custom Payment Gateway can contact Stripe or PayPal directly. for assistance.

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